Transportation in Torino

Except from the fact that no buses operated Frossasco on Sundays, so we had to walk to Pinerolo this morning, we have not had much trouble with transportation. In fact, it has been surprisingly well organised. Some of the bus drivers doesn't really know where to go(!), but as they are coming to Torino for the Olympic Games from all over Italy, they should be excused.
Taxi drivers tend not to understand English, and we have not met a single one that knows the address of our accomodation, but except from that - at least we now know how to find a taxi in Pinerolo.
The trains from Torino Lingotto to Pinerolo (and back) are surprisingly on schedule, and once you learn how the Lingotto station works, it is easy to find your way.
Monday we had a very smooth travel Frossasco - Pinerolo - Torino Lingotto - Torino Porto Nuova - Oulx - Cesana San Sicario, and back the same way in the afternoon. Despite all the changes from bus to train, train to train etc. we did not have to wait much.
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